When you begin the process of how to open a food truck or beverage food truck, you’re on your way to growing your business. For a food truck business or any food and beverage trucks, that growth can come in the form of a hospitality franchise.
Food and beverage truck franchise building is similar to plans for how to open a franchise restaurant or bar. It ties in elements of a restaurant business plan and a catering business plan. A cafe franchise business plan also shares characteristics with food and beverage truck franchise building.
In this BinWise blog, we’ll walk you through everything involved in food and beverage truck franchise building. These tips, tricks, and vital team structures will help you create a successful franchise.

The Functions of Food and Beverage Truck Franchise Building
The functions within food and beverage truck franchise building cover everything from specific legal needs to team support. We’ve broken them down into three categories. Those are legal, design, and team needs. When you cover all three aspects of food and beverage truck franchise building you’ll be set up for success.
Food and Beverage Truck Franchise Legal Needs
Food and beverage truck franchise legal needs are a mix of needs for the original truck and the franchise locations. The organizing of these documents and licenses starts with the owner of the original business. The rest of these follow in line as you work through the process of starting a franchise.
2. Intellectual Property Licensing
Intellectual property licensing is a must before you expand into a franchise. It gives you ownership of the parts of your business you license to franchisees. It should be one of your first steps when it comes to sorting your legal requirements.
1. Franchise Disclosure Documents (FDDs)
Your franchise disclosure documents or FDDs are the official guidelines of the rules of your franchise. They are important for both you and your franchisee partners. From signed contracts to management structure, this is the place.

Food and Beverage Truck Franchise Design Needs
Food and beverage truck franchise design needs are all about the physical design and design standards of the business. The original business is the model for mapping out all these requirements. You’ll make a written up plan for design standards, and these elements will be the body of that plan.
2. Designated Brand Colors
Your designated brand colors are the backbone of many of your design requirements. When you create a focused guide on the colors franchises can use in their locations, you narrow their scope of marketing material decisions. That’s helpful in the long run.
1. Truck Design Wraps and Signs
Truck design wraps and signs are the major pieces of marketing collateral you’ll want to have prepared for your franchise locations. They can be produced in bulk at a lower cost than making them in small quantities. Preparing them ahead of time is the way to go.
Food and Beverage Truck Franchise Team Needs
Food and beverage truck franchise team needs are focused on the transition and ease of work between all teams within the franchise. For your original team, many of these aspects will kick in to help expand the business. As the team grows across the franchise locations, these rules and regulations will help keep things running smoothly.
2. Direct Communication of Expectations
Working with your whole team toward success as a franchise starts with the direct communication of expectations. Yes, we know, this sounds like a basic skill, and in many ways it is. In a large-scale business operation, however, direct communication becomes even more imperative than ever before.
1. Specified Hiring Structures
There are lots of structures you’ll want a roadmap for when it comes to setting up your franchise. Hiring is a particularly important one because it helps you expand your team in the right direction. The best choice here is to have standard interview practices and qualifications, to make sure your team grows the way you want.
First Steps of Food and Beverage Truck Franchise Building
The first steps of food and beverage truck franchise building are tied into how to build a food and beverage truck business. The similarities are found in the building blocks you need to give your business room to grow. When it comes to your first steps toward a franchise structure, you should focus on licensing and a business plan.
"Key Takeaway: The first steps of food and beverage truck franchise building are tied into how to build a food and beverage truck business. The similarities are found in the building blocks you need to give your business room to grow."
Frequently Asked Questions About Franchising Food and Beverage Trucks
Franchising a business takes work you never expect in your daily food and beverage truck business tasks. There are things you’ll learn about and find solutions for that never came up before, and the list of new things will keep growing. Our answers to these frequently asked questions will help you along as you learn about food and beverage truck franchise building.
How Do You Make a Profitable Food Truck?
The best ways to boost profits for a food and beverage truck are to look out for profit points and growth opportunities. Profit points can come up along the way, from the early days to years into your business. Food and beverage truck profits are something you can work on through the seasons of business.
For growth opportunities, they’ll come about with time and business strategy. You could launch into a full-scale catering business working different types of catering events, or brick-and-mortar restaurant. You can franchise your truck to reach a wider audience. Keep an eye out for opportunities and plan for what you want to future of your business to be.
How Much Does a Food Franchise Original Owner Make?
As the owner of the franchise licensed business model, you can make anywhere from 10% to 50% of the profits of your franchisees. Exactly how much you make will depend on how the franchise locations of your business do, and how you structure your financial arrangement.
Many franchisors aim for making about 7% to 10% from each franchisee. For those who benefit from a higher percentage, they put more work into each franchise location.
Is Owning a Franchise a Full-Time Job?
Owning a franchise as a franchisor is a full-time job, but not necessarily for a franchisee. For the franchisor, you’re going to be balancing your main business responsibilities and the responsibilities you have to your franchise locations. For franchisees, if you decide to open a franchise location for another business, your schedule will vary depending on your goals.
Who Pays Employees In a Franchise?
Primarily, employees in a franchise are paid by the franchisee, the specific owner of their franchise location. As a franchisor, you can make a plan to share profits and take responsibility for payroll. This will mean more work on your end. It can also give you more of an active role in your franchise business as a whole.

Franchising Food and Beverage Trucks: Turn Your Food and Beverage Business Into a Fleet!
From building up beverage trucks for parties to working on beverage food truck marketing, all aspects of running a truck can help with franchising. When you make the choice to start a franchise of your truck, you’ll lean on everything you’ve learned through running one truck.
You can also lean on BinWise and BlueCart. The BinWise Pro beverage inventory software eases your inventory needs, and BlueCart’s order management software simplifies your order management system.