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Restaurant Franchise Management: 12 Management Tips

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When you’re learning how to franchise a restaurant business or manage a franchise, restaurant franchise management is a pillar of your education. Whether you’re learning from the best restaurant franchise businesses or studying employee management, restaurant franchise management is something you’ll get quite familiar with. It even comes up in risk assessment for a restaurant.

In this BinWise blog, we’ll walk you through the key tips and tricks of restaurant management for franchise owners and managers. We’ll cover things like vendor management, franchise business plans, menu management for restaurant menus, and more. Read on to grow as a manager and learn the ins and outs of restaurant franchise management.

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How to Manage a Restaurant Franchise 

The restaurant manager job description in a restaurant franchise covers a lot of ground. When you’re learning how to be a manager, like learning how to be a good bar manager, there are a lot of skills you’ll need. There are also things you’ll pick up along the way. Overall, learning how to manage a franchise requires both studious work and on-the-job training. 

You can learn from restaurant management books, and even take hospitality management courses. The more you learn about management for restaurant businesses, the more you’ll be prepared for any given day at your restaurant.

12 Tips and Tricks for Restaurant Franchise Management

Mastering restaurant franchise management will give you the confidence to run a restaurant franchise and find success. These 12 tips and tricks for restaurant franchise management will help you get there. They all come together to create a management plan that works for any restaurant business.

12. Focus on Quality Control

Focusing on quality control is one of the baseline tips of restaurant franchise management. From your ingredients to every dish that gets served, quality control is key to great customer service. This remains constant, even if you're working with table d’hote menus.

11. Keep Training Up to Date

Keeping training up to date helps to keep you and your staff actively involved in customer service. Whether it’s learning new techniques or simply having a dedicated time to go over practices, training should be done on a yearly basis.

10. Tie Your Initiatives to the Location

The beauty of different franchise locations lies in the unique spots these places can be. Depending on your location and neighborhood, let that culture influence your management and plans, to make your location a local hotspot. 

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9. Lean On the Business Plan

The business plan of a restaurant franchise covers all the details of what you need to keep moving forward. If you’re ever stuck in a management pickle, lean into the business plan to reassess and ground yourself with the business.

8. Stay Open-Minded with Marketing Campaigns

Staying open-minded with marketing campaigns is all about letting creativity lead the way. Your overall marketing strategy will likely be dictated by the franchisor. Your individual campaigns give you room to see what works best for your franchise location.

7. Study Available Technological Support 

The range of software and technological support for restaurants these days is exceptional. There’s something for every area of the business. Staying up to date with the available support will help you stay ahead of the curve.

6. Maintain Standards of Food Safety and Hygiene

Maintaining standards of food safety and hygiene is the responsibility of all the staff in a restaurant franchise. The overall guidance rests on the manager. It’s your responsibility to make sure all rules are followed exactly, to keep everyone safe and healthy.

5. Put Energy Into Vendor Relations

Putting energy into vendor relations is a key way of maintaining the quality of your restaurant. When you have great vendor relations, it’ll be easier to maintain ordering and inventory, leading to continued success.

4. Be Mindful with Staff Scheduling

As the manager of the restaurant, the happiness and efficiency of your staff rests on your shoulders. A large portion of your responsibility here is to maintain the schedule. Make it work for your employees, and they’ll work hard for you.

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3. Keep Finances Organized 

Keeping the finances of the restaurant organized will help you in the short and long term. When your accounts are in order, you never have to worry about where money is going, you can look and find out instantly.

2. Focus on Sustainability

A focus on sustainability is important for every restaurant these days. In the last decade, sustainability and eco-friendly practices have become mainstream. In restaurants, using eco-friendly alternatives and shopping local are two ways you can focus on sustainability.

1. Stay Educated on Crisis Management

Staying educated on crisis management is an often overlooked area of restaurant management, but it is oh-so-important. Crisis management, from natural disasters to problem customers, is something you can take courses for to remain up to date and know what to do.

"Key Takeaway: Mastering restaurant franchise management will give you the confidence to run a restaurant franchise and find success."
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Frequently Asked Questions About Managing Restaurant Franchises

Learning about restaurant franchise management will give you the tools to maintain and grow a restaurant franchise. Our answers to these frequently asked questions will also help in that regard. Read on to keep learning about restaurant management, franchise management, and the intersection between the two.

What Is the Management Structure of a Franchise?

The management structure of a franchise starts with the franchisor and then passes to the franchisee and all employees of the franchise location. It is an organization structured by internal ownership and shared responsibilities. A franchise restaurant has the same management structure of any type of bar or restaurant, with the addition of the franchisor. 

What Does a Franchise Manager Do?

A franchise manager is responsible for overseeing the organization and daily operations of a restaurant franchise. Their responsibilities include:

  • Reviewing operational procedures
  • Scheduling staff
  • Managing payroll and accounting
  • Dealing with customer service at a high level
  • Managing marketing plans
  • Enforcing the structure of the franchise business, as dictated by the franchisor

The franchise manager is responsible for the day to day work of the restaurant. They’re assisted in their responsibilities by the franchisor, who they can turn to for support in restaurant operations. 

Who Is the Boss of a Franchise Owner?

A franchise owner doesn’t technically have a boss, but they do answer to the franchisor in many capacities. In many legal senses, a franchise owner is a business owner, and works as their own boss. They are, however, tied to the franchise disclosure document and the rules of the franchise business. Therefore, the franchisor serves as their supervisor.

Who Is Legally Responsible for a Franchise?

In general, in legal proceedings it’s been established that the franchisor is responsible for the franchise owners and different locations. This is because the business plan, structure, and responsibility to customers comes from the property of the franchisor. Even if they aren’t physically present, they’re the driving force behind each franchise, and therefore are responsible.

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Franchise Restaurant Management: Mind Your Management Techniques 

Restaurant franchise management is the culmination of the work that goes into organizing a restaurant franchise. From franchise inventory management to restaurant franchise hiring, managing a franchise restaurant takes a lot of focus and hard work. It all shows up in restaurant franchise management. 

As you work through management techniques and practices, reach out to BinWise, BlueCart, and Revolution Ordering. The BinWise Pro beverage inventory program simplifies your restaurant inventory management. BlueCart’s order management software streamlines your order management system. Revolution’s Order One Enterprise program is built for franchises. 

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