Knowing the many health benefits of wine will make you enjoy this beverage even more. Although people consume it mostly to unwind or at social gatherings, such as those at the best wineries, pleasure is not the only thing you can get from it. In fact, many studies have shown the benefits of drinking wine for the health of the consumer.
Before we dive into the connection between wine and health, it’s important to note that the benefits come with moderate consumption. Any excessive consumption of the drink can lead to various issues.
On the other hand, if you wish to gain the benefits of it, drinking too little may not help. Let’s explore seven health benefits of wine and drinking different varieties of wine.

7 Health Benefits of Wine
From heart health to keeping bad cholesterol at bay, there are surely many ways to boost your health with a nice glass of wine. Here we have listed seven great health benefits of drinking wine that you should know even before you open your first bottle or order wine by the glass.
Key takeaway: The health benefits of wine come with moderate drinking of the beverage. Both men and women can enjoy wine on a regular basis and feel the long-term benefits of it!
1. Reduced Risk of Depression
One study, which was carried out on elderly and middle-aged people, found that drinking moderate amounts of alcoholic beverages decreases the chances of struggling with depression.
Red wine drinkers are proven to be less likely to get depressed compared to people who don’t. This means that enjoying your meal with a glass of red wine could actually be more than just a great gastronomical experience.
Keep in mind that there are different red wine types you can try. It’s also ideal to look into the best types of red wine for a specific meal or occasion to ensure maximum enjoyment.
2. Lower Risk of Developing Cancer
Some recent studies are also pointing out that one of the benefits of drinking wine is that it reduces the risk of cancer development. Drinking red wine can prevent cancerous cells from growing, which lowers the risk of certain cancer types. Specifically, ones associated with breast cancer and esophageal cancer.
The polyphenol in the wine helps starve the cancerous cells by blocking the development of the protein that feeds them. The antioxidants from the drink also aid in fighting off free radicals that can harm the organs and cells.
3. Boosts Memory and Cognitive Function
Red wine in particular is rich in polyphenols, which are antioxidants helping the body fight different diseases. A type of polyphenol, called resveratrol, helps short-term memory.
Recent studies have shown that resveratrol can even reduce the damage sleep deprivation may cause, boost learning ability, and improve cognitive processing functions.
The health benefits of wine do not stop here - some researchers show that it can lower the risk of dementia. Of course, the benefits can be reaped by drinking moderately. Excessively consuming red wine can increase the risk of developing dementia and Alzheimer's disease.
4. Improves Heart Health
One of the most popular benefits of drinking wine is its ability to reduce the risk of heart-related issues. The way wine and heart health connect is through the beverage's richness of polyphenol, which helps reduce the risk of heart disease.
Red wine helps to protect the lining of blood vessels found in the heart. In addition, it lowers the bad cholesterol in the system by boosting HDL (also known as "good" cholesterol).
Bad cholesterol, also known as LDL, can greatly increase the risk of any heart disease. So enjoying a nice glass of wine or a small wine tasting flight can be of great benefit to your heart health!

5. Maintains Dental Health
We have been talking so much about polyphenols, and it’s for a good reason. The polyphenol in red wine can keep your mouth healthy in addition to everything else already mentioned.
Harmful bacteria contributing to decay and gum disease can be fought off by polyphenols. By preventing the bacteria from sticking to the surface of the teeth, the wine aids to prevent the development of cavities and plaque.
6. Boosts the Immune System
According to researchers, the daily consumption of wine can boost the immune system. Ethanol, a chemical component of wine, helps promote the potency of vaccinations.
Because of the high level of antioxidants found in wine, it can help the immune system fight off a large number of viruses. Of course, this benefit is obtained only by moderately drinking.
7. Strengthens the Bones
Past research has shown connections between moderate wine consumption and bone density. As a person ages, their bones become weaker and thinner, but wine can help prevent the risk of osteoporosis.
The disease is most common in women who have reached menopause. For them, having one or two glasses of wine per day may protect their bones from thinning, therefore, saving them from the struggle osteoporosis brings.

Frequently Asked Questions about the Health Benefits of Drinking Wine
It’s a common misconception that alcohol in general is harmful to people’s health. However, there are actually many health benefits of drinking wine that should not be overlooked. In the previous section, we have presented a few benefits to keep in mind.
In this section, we will answer some frequently asked questions related to the benefits of drinking wine that may remain unanswered.
Is It OK To Drink Wine on a Daily Basis?
Yes, it is OK to drink wine on a daily basis, but in moderation. For example, enjoying one glass of wine with your dinner every day, if you are otherwise in good health, will not be harmful.
However, if you are not an avid drinker, there is no need to create a new habit of drinking a glass of wine a day. This is especially true if you are not going to enjoy it. You can stick to your old habits if you are not drinking too much wine either.
Excessive drinking can actually increase the risk of having different health issues, which otherwise wine may help prevent. The quality of the wine is something to consider, too. Drinking quality wine daily will be much better for your health, rather than having low-quality wine more rarely.
What’s a Healthy Amount of Wine to Drink per Day?
A healthy amount of wine to drink per day is two glasses of wine or less for men and one glass of wine or less for women. This is based on the 2020-2025 Dietary Guidelines for Americans.
Drinking more than the recommended amount could be harmful to the individual’s health. One study with over 4000 adults demonstrated that moderate consumption of wine was linked to a reduced inflammatory response. Although there are still tests to be done, if one sticks to a glass or two a day, they will most likely reap the health benefits of wine.
What Is the Healthiest Wine To Drink?
The healthiest wine to drink is Pinot Noir. This is because of the high levels of resveratrol it contains.
Pinot Noir is made of grapes with thin skin, has fewer calories, and is low in sugar and alcohol content. Nevertheless, there are many other types of wines that can boost your health when combined with the right diet and exercise.
Don’t overlook the quality of the wine you consume either. The higher the quality, the more benefits and enjoyment you will get.
What Are the Potential Downsides of Drinking Wine?
Excessive wine consumption can lead to negative health effects, such as alcohol-related liver disease, addiction, increased cancer risk, and weight gain. The health benefits of wine can be gained by moderate consumption of quality wines.
Can Wine Help With Digestion?
Some consumers believe that wine helps with digestion. However, there's no steady proof that this is one of the health benefits of drinking wine. Wine affects the digestive function of each individual in a different way.
Are There Specific Wines That Offer More Health Benefits Than Others?
Red wines, particularly those with higher levels of resveratrol, are often considered to be the wines that bring the most health benefits. However, it's more about moderation than the type of wine. If you follow a certain diet, you should even consider vegan wines and certified gluten-free wines, which will be healthier for you and will fit your dietary restrictions and lifestyle.
Here you can read more about what are the benefits of red wine.
What Is Considered Moderate Wine Consumption?
Moderate wine consumption typically means up to one standard drink per day for women and up to two standard drinks per day for men. A standard drink of wine is generally defined as 5 ounces (about 150 milliliters).
What Compounds in Wine Contribute to Its Potential Health Benefits?
The health benefits of drinking wine are associated with the antioxidants such as resveratrol, flavonoids, and polyphenols in wine. These compounds have been studied for their potential to protect cells from damage and support overall health.
Can Non-Alcoholic Wine Provide the Same Health Benefits?
Non-alcoholic wine is an option for those who wish to avoid alcohol but still enjoy the taste of wine. However, the health benefits associated with wine are primarily attributed to its alcohol and antioxidant content, so non-alcoholic wine may not offer the same benefits in this regard.